Tuesday 4 October 2011

Twins Plot Questions

1. How does Eric Wright provide his readers with clues to the outcome of this story?
 - The writer provides clues to the outcome by having his main character be a detective. So the story is about him supposedly planning out his novel's storyline, you then discover that it's not a story at all but his plan to murder his wife. So when he explains the book plot he provides clues to the outcome.

3. Explain how the term can be applied to the opening of this story and evaluate the author's choice in employing this technique.
 - The term in medias res, in the middle of things, can be used to explain the opening of the story because the writer opens with the line, " His wife often criticized his plots for being to complicated, but this one worked.". That line is also found in the story after the husband explains his plan on killing his wife, in the middle of the story. I think the author's technique when using this concept was well used because it gave you on insight on the rest of the story without you really realizing it, it helped you understand why the character acts the way he does.

4. Describe the difference in narrative style between the two parts of the story. Determine why the author chose each style and the effectiveness.
 - The two narrative styles in this story are a dialogue style, and a informative style. The difference between the two in present tense and is direct words that the two characters say to one another. Compared to the informative style which is written in past tense, and is just describing what happens after the walking scene. I believe the author chose each style because the dialogue style explains in great detail what the couple are like, and gives a great set up for a plot twist. The informative style gave a fantastic ending to the story by explaining the end results without dragging it on to long.

How does the writer use our expectations to surprise us with the twist? Does it work? Why or why not?
 -  The writer uses our expectations to surprise us with the twist by having the main character explain the plot of the story he is writing, then surprise us with the knowledge that the plot he just explained is really his plan to kill his wife. The author then put a twist on it again by having the wife know the husband's plan and she killed her husband. It works because it is not something you expect, you can predict the husband will try and kill his wife but you didn't expect the wife to reverse roles with the husband.

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