Tuesday 18 October 2011

Rich for a Day

What could a individual do with a billion dollars? The vast majority of people would become greedy and waste it on senseless items like clothing, drugs, expensive cars, multiple houses, or traveling. I mean that is all very well to splurge if you are someone who has never been to well off, and would like a little time off, but much of the population would start at that and then keep going until all of the money was gone. They would have nothing to show this vast amount of money because it would all have been spent on ..... Another portion of the population would pay there bills and put the rest in the bank to collect interest and keep the income growing. Some would invest it in the stock market, or other "money making" schemes to enlarge their profits. Me, well I would invest in schooling. It's not a revolutionary idea by any means, but it is a much needed tool for my future. There are very few jobs you can get now that pay well, and do not require college or university. It may be a typical expense that many would spend thousands of dollars one, but I feel that it is something that is a necessity in life.

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