Thursday 13 October 2011

Ross's Cabin, Setting Paragraph

Imagine a cabin past it's prime, once painted green in its day but now is faded and peeling. It is shielded by an old tin roof, that when it starts to rain all you hear is the loud pitter patter of the sky speaking to it's old friend, the cabin. This sanctuary of mine has a single door, that as century's worth of rips and tears in the screen. Every time you pull it open you hear a loud squeak as it groans in pain yet again, and a loud slam as it closes in annoyance of having to be disturbed. The old windows always enjoy when we come to stay, so they can be opened yet again and breath in the new yet familiar scents of the forest around it. One half of this cabins space is taken up by two large ancient bunk beds that usually have to endure the weight of several ill witted children laughing and screaming about anything and everything the entire night.The other half of the room is accompanied by a single worn out sink, a tired cook stove, and a tough looking table. If you stop and listen closely, you can hear the chipmunks playing under the old wooden deck. Day or night, we always have a fire roaring and something cooking on it, several people sitting around it with a cold drink in their hands, and several freshly caught fish hanging from the tree to dry. When you walk out of the cabin and look straight out, you have a gorgeous view of a private lake. When you walk down the short path to the water, you must slowly walk so you can avoid tripping on one of the several large roots jutting out of the ground due to erosion. When you get down to the water you step onto a very large rock that acts as our dock, there is a rock that in submerged in the water that we use as our diving board. It is here on these rocks that we spend the most time, laughing, fishing, swimming, and drinking.

1 comment:

  1. A very clear sense of place and good atmosphere. Well written and detailed.

    Level 3+ (80)
