Sunday 2 October 2011

The Leap Characterization of the Mother

How is the mother characterized? 
The mother is characterized by the clear description the story gives, things describing like her viewpoint, interactions, appearance, dialogue, and thoughts and feelings.

- the mother's viewpoint is told by the daughter throughout the whole story
- " She walks slowly through her house... lightly touching her way along walls..."
- "... as we flew out the window, towards earth, me in her lap.."
- a circus trapeze artist
- a hospital gown
- bridal dress
- a black dress
- undergarments 
- " My mother once said that i'd be amazed at how much one person can do within the act of falling."
Thoughts and Feelings 
- confident
- happy
- brave
- comfortable
- courage 

How does the writer make us "see" the mother?  
The writer makes us see the mother in a selfless, and sacrificing way. This story tells of three points in time when the narrator, the daughter, owes her existence to her mother. One being birth, and the other two being courageous, selfless acts. A large reason I believe the mother is a sacrificing person is because of the decisions she made during the house fire. She optionally chose to climb a tree to get inside the bedroom window, knowing that the only exit was in flames. I believe this was an excellent way to show her selflessness and how sacrificing she is for her family.

What is the perspective of the narrator? How does that perspective tell us about the Mother?
 The narrator's perspective is the daughter, I know this because the very first words in the story are My mother. This perspective gives us a clear, first-hand experience of the mother. Experiences like the rescue from the house fire, it is a clear first-hand experience.

How is she described, list some of the more effective words or terms? 
The mother is described in a very graceful, elegant way. The writer uses sentences like; ... lightly touching her way along walls and running her hands over knickknacks..., She has never upset an object or as much as brushed a magazine onto the floor, and I didn't see her leap through the air, only heard the sudden thump and looked out my window. She was hanging by the backs of her heels from the new gutter we had put in that year, and she was smiling. All of these are very good descriptive sentences to explain the Mother.

Make a connection- what do you see in this story that resonates you?
The aspect of the story that resonates me is the daughters characteristic of gratefulness. The entire story is about the daughter describing these experiences of life threatening danger and her telling about how she is grateful for her mother's actions during these events. I believe that resonates me because I recognize good things people do for me and I do feel genuinely grateful. Regardless of how well I tell people of this gratitude, it's always there.    


1 comment:

  1. Your blog work is awesome. Very detailed and thoughtful. Catch it up and reap the rewards.
