Wednesday 23 November 2011

Macbeth Essay Outline Two

Area of Discussion One: Lady Macbeth's guilt and incompatibility is the driving evidence of her weakness's. 
- Act Two, Scene Two, Page 81-89
     - Lady Macbeth is paranoid due to fear and guilt of what they are doing (i.e Duncan's murder)
     - She talks about alcohol being the source of her courage, meaning that she is cowardly and afraid
     - Lady Macbeth says the line: "Had he not resembled My father as he slept, I had done ’t.". 
        - this showing another large sign of weakness from her because it shows she has a heart, just like a typical woman
     - when Macbeth is starting to freak out about the murder, Lady Macbeth just keeps telling him not to think about it or they will start going crazy 
     -Lady Macbeth tells her husband that it is simple to wash away the act of murder, simply just wash the blood off you. Ironic because she never is able to get the vision of blood out of her mind. This line is sort of a mirror of her fears, Lady Macbeth's fear that she will never be able to wash away the trauma or regret after killing the King. i.e She has a guilty conscience.  

- Act Two, Scene Three, Page 97 
     - Lady Macbeth can't stand to be near the dead body, possibly a act or her actually feeling towards the murder  

Act Three, Scene Two, Page 115
     - Lady Macbeth says;
"Naught’s had, all’s spent,
Where our desire is got without content.
'Tis safer to be that which we destroy
Than by destruction dwell in doubtful joy."
     - Meaning If you get what you want and you’re still not happy, you’ve spent everything and gained nothing. Its better to be the person who gets murdered than to be the killer and be tormented with anxiety.
     - This indicating Lady Macbeth's fears and true feelings about the murder; she is tormented by the murder and can't stand what she has done
 - Lady Macbeth keeps telling her husband over and over again to stop thinking about the murder, because it cannot be changed now. This reflecting her fears about the murder, and that she cannot stop thinking about it just has Macbeth can't. She is the first indicator that she is starting to crack.  

- Act Three, Scene Four, Page 125-133
     - Lady Macbeth starts to panic and crack under the pressure of keeping the secret when her husband sees Banquo's ghost
- Act Five, Scene One, Page 177-181
     - Lady Macbeth's sleepwalking is a large piece of evidence that she is to weak and fragile to handle the murder of Duncan 
     - She talks about Macbeth being scared, but is mirrored as she is the one that is truly scared  

- Act Five, Scene Five, Page 193
     - Macbeth hears a woman crying, it is Lady Macbeth jumping off the roof killing herself
     - This signifying that in the end Lady Macbeth was always a weal, fragile woman no matter how many dark forces she called upon or how many times she attempted to fight it    

Area of Discussion Two: Lady Macbeth uses alternative means besides force to get what she wants, means that are considered a weak alternative.

Act One, Scene Five, Page 63 and 65
     - Lady Macbeth calls upon evil to help her become stronger to commit the murder, making her look weak because she cannot look to herself to commit it alone.  

Act One, Scene Seven, Page 73 and 75
     - Lady Macbeth tricks her husband into changing his opinion on the King's murder by threatening his manhood, and calling him a woman. Something a fragile Woman would do because they could not achieve this by force or threats like a man would do.

- Act Two, Scene Two, Page 81-89
     - After Lady Macbeth sees that Macbeth has forgotten to leave the daggers, and he is to traumatized to take them back she calls him a weak, scared child to try and manipulate him into being stronger

- Act Three, Scene Four, Page 125-133
       - Lady Macbeth threatens his manhood again in hopes to snap Macbeth back to reality 

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Macbeth Essay, Outline One.

Topic: Lady Macbeth is a weak, fragile woman.    

- Act One, Scene Five, Page 63 and 65
   - Lady Macbeth calls upon evil to help her become stronger to commit the murder, making her look weak because she cannot look to herself to commit it alone.

Act One, Scene Seven, Page 73 and 75
   - Lady Macbeth tricks her husband into changing his opinion on the King's murder by threatening his manhood, and calling him a woman. Something a fragile Woman would do because they could not achieve this by force or threats like a man would do.

- Act Two, Scene Two, Page 81-89
   - Lady Macbeth is paranoid due to fear and guilt of what they are doing (i.e Duncan's murder)
   - She talks about alcohol being the source of her courage, meaning that she is cowardly and afraid
   - Lady Macbeth says the line: "Had he not resembled My father as he slept, I had done ’t.". 
        - this showing another large sign of weakness from her because it shows she has a heart, just like a typical woman
   - when Macbeth is starting to freak out about the murder, Lady Macbeth just keeps telling him not to think about it or they will start going crazy 
   - After Lady Macbeth sees that Macbeth has forgotten to leave the daggers, and he is to traumatized to take them back she calls him a weak, scared child
   -Lady Macbeth tells her husband that it is simple to wash away the act of murder, simply just wash the blood off you. Ironic because she never is able to get the vision of blood out of her mind. This line is sort of a mirror of her fears, Lady Macbeth's fear that she will never be able to wash away the trauma or regret after killing the King.   

Act Two, Scene Three, Page 97 
   - Lady Macbeth can't stand to be near the dead body, possibly a act or her actually feeling towards the murder

Act Three, Scene Two, Page 115
   - Lady Macbeth says;
"Naught’s had, all’s spent,
Where our desire is got without content.
'Tis safer to be that which we destroy
Than by destruction dwell in doubtful joy."
   - Meaning If you get what you want and you’re still not happy, you’ve spent everything and gained nothing. It’s better to be the person who gets murdered than to be the killer and be tormented with anxiety.
   - This indicating Lady Macbeth's fears and true feelings about the murder; she is tormented by the murder and can't stand what she has done
   - Lady Macbeth keeps telling her husband over and over again to stop thinking about the murder, because it cannot be changed now. This reflecting her fears about the murder, and that she cannot stop thinking about it just has Macbeth can't. She is starting to crack.  

Act Three, Scene Four, Page 125-133
   - Lady Macbeth starts to panic and crack under the pressure of keeping the secret when her husband sees Banquo's ghost
   - Lady Macbeth threatens his manhood again in hopes to snap Macbeth back to reality

- Act Five, Scene One, Page 177-181
   - Lady Macbeth's sleepwalking is a large piece of evidence that she is to weak and fragile to handle the murder of Duncan 
   - She talks about Macbeth being scared, but is mirrored as she is the one that is truly scared 

- Act Five, Scene Five, Page 193
   - Macbeth hears a woman crying, it is Lady Macbeth jumping off the roof killing herself
   - This signifying that in the end Lady Macbeth was always a weal, fragile woman no matter how many dark forces she called upon or how many times she attempted to fight it 

Thesis: Lady Macbeth is a weak, fragile woman because no matter how many times she attempted to be strong, in the end she could not handle the realization of murder and committed suicide.  

Macbeth Questions, Part One.

3. a) In Act 2, how does Macbeth attempt to gain Banquo's support? How does Banquo respond? 

Macbeth first attempts to gain Banquo's support by using a form of flattery, he under-minds his success of the King's visit so Banquo thinks that he is a modest person. Making it look like Macbeth is not the greedy, over-ambitious person he really is. He then makes Banquo think that he is not interested in the witches, making it look like he does not believe the witch's visions, so therefor does not want to be King. It puts him in a good spot when he says this, but Banquo does not wholly believe this sceme he is  trying to pull off. He some what suspects that Macbeth has something up his sleeve. Banquo's beliefs are confirmed when Macbeth says, "If you shall cleave to my consent, when t'is, It shall make honour for you.". He then one hundred percent knows that Macbeth is up to something and replies with this, "So I lose none in seeking to augment it, but still keep my bosom franchised and alliance clear, I shall be counsell'd.", meaning that as long as he can keep a clear conscience he will do what Macbeth wants. He is in a way telling Macbeth that he will not do anything against the King or his nobles to make him King.         

b) Compare how Lady Macbeth and Macbeth react to the King's murder. Why are they so different in their response? 

Macbeth pretends to be clueless and completely surprised when Macduff walks into the room and sees Duncan murdered. He then proceeds to overplay the divested role of a family member, good friend, and subject. Lady Macbeth acts horrified at the deed but not at the fact that the king is dead, but acts disgusted by the fact that it happened under her roof. Woman in that time period were fragile and dainty, so in our minds majority of the Woman would break down and cry no matter who was killed, not put the concern of her house over those who were killed. The responses were so different because in order to pull it off Macbeth had to act angry and shocked about it due to the fact that he is a male, and Lady Macbeth had to act sad about it even though she did not act that way at all. 

c) In Act 1, Duncan is established as King. What kind of King is he, based upon how he interacts with his thanes? Be specific and give references where possible.

In act one, scene two, after the battle is over Duncan talks with a Captain and then Ross. Ross tells the King that the Thane of Cawdor is a traitor and that Macbeth beat the rebels for him, the King then proceeds to quickly decide that the Thane of Cawdor will die and that his title will go to the loyal Macbeth. You can clearly see in this scene that Duncan is the type of King that rewards loyal subjects generously, but punishes rebels harshly, making him a good King in this sense.

In act one, scene four Duncan says the line, "There’s no art to find the mind’s construction in the face. He was a gentleman on whom I built an absolute trust.", showing that he is not as naive has you would think he is. He then starts talking with Macbeth and tells him that the title Thane of Cawdor is not large enough to pay for the great deeds he has done, i.e defeating the rebels. He praises him highly and then announces that his son Malcolm will be his successor, making Macbeth angry at Duncan and sort of confused about the witch's conversation with him. Duncan does not sense Macbeth's frustration when he asks to leave right away making him look naive despite his previous line. So this scene kind of contradicts itself.     
In act one, scene six Duncan arrives at Macbeth's castle for his royal visit, the scene first opens with Duncan approaching the castle with Banquo. The King says how pleasant the castle is, and then proceeds to the castle yard to meet Lady Macbeth. She puts on her poker face and greets him kindly. Duncan makes himself look even more naive because he does not note Lady Macbeth's overly happy facade and overly grateful attitude towards him. But this scene also shows that he gets along with his royal thanes well and that he has a very friendly personality.

So there for, Duncan is a good, harsh, naive, friendly King.         

d) After reading his letter, how does Lady Macbeth describe her husband? Why do you think she describes him this way? 

Lady Macbeth describes her husband as weak, kind, and womanly. After reading the letter Lady Macbeth says " and shalt be what thou art promised. Yet do I fear thy nature; It is too full o' th' milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way: thou wouldst be great, art not without ambition, but without the illness should attend it.". This meaning, You shall be what you were promised. Yet I fear that your nature is to full of the milk of human kindness to take the quickest opportunity. You want to be great, you do not lack the ambition but lack the evil abilities to complete the act. Lady Macbeth is calling her husband good and naive in a way, she thinks that he is naive in the sense that Macbeth believes he can become King, without being a direct heir and without doing something evil to get it. She describes him this way because she wants to be the one to get this power they want. Lady Macbeth desires to be a strong and willful like a man, instead of weak and defenseless like nature typically expects her to be like. So if she is the one to think up a plot to steal the throne and she is the one to take charge in this situation then her and Macbeth would switch roles, in the sense that she is the one making decisions and he is the one who is just doing what he is told.  

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Poetry Assignment, Poet Biography, Seigfried Sassoon

Siegfried Sassoon grew up in the 1900's during the years before World War 1 in a small town in England. His family was wealthy, and he was raised in mansion called Wierleigh. His Father was Jewish, and his Mother Anglo-catholic. His Father`s family were wealthy merchants and  his Father was disinherited for marrying a non-Jew. His Mother belonged to the family who sculpted some of the best known statues in London, making her a well-known, wealthy, public figure. He did not have a large family considering the time period, Siegfried was the second born of the three sons. Even though they had three children together his parents still got divorced when the kids were a young age, Siegfried only being four. When he was nine, his Father died at the young age of 34 due to tuberculosis. Because of the fact that his family is wealthy Siegfried was well educated and had a love for cricket. He even played professionally for a short  time, playing cricket was only for the rich and famous during that time period and was considered a luxury.

Because of his patriotism Siegfried joined the army around the age of 25. He was in service when world war one was declared in 1914, but due to a previous injury he was out of action so could not go and fight right away. It was during this time that Sassoon's brother Hamo was killed during the Gallipoli Campaign, and based on the fact that Siegfried was unable to help on the war front he took his death very hard. In May 1915 Sassoon was put into the 3rd battalion as a second lieutenant, and later in the month of November was sent to France to join the 1st battalion. During his time in France he met Robert Graves who was a fellow poet. They became close friends, and Graves influences Sassoon's work largely. His work went from soft and romantic to hard topics about death, the war, and trench warfare. When Siegfried was serving on the Western Front due to his leadership of his unit and single handedly taking an enemy trench he was awarded a military cross; he was later unsuccessfully nominated for a Victoria Cross. Even though Sassoon was a highly ranked army officer he took a stand in 1917 about the conduct of war, a large influence on this decision the death of his friend David Thomas. It took him several years to deal with all the grief from the death. When Siegfried was able to return to action after being ill, he refused. He wrote and sent a letter to his Commanding Officer titled Finished with War: A Soldier's Declaration, it was seen as a act of treason. Sassoon was then declared unfit for service and diagnosed with "Shell Shock". During his treatment in the hospital he adopted his male physician as a kind if Father figure, the physician helped him through his shell shock and other issues. So when passed in 1922 it just added to the amount of grief Sassoon had. Siegfried met Wilfred Owen, another poet. Owen's would became more renowned for his work then Siegfried ever would, due to the large amount of help he gave him. Owen's was like a brother or best-friend to Sassoon, so when they both returned to service in 1918 in France and Wilfred was killed Siegfried added that the pile of grief he had. Soon after this event Sassoon was given the rank of lieutenant, and returned to the war front. In July 1918 Sassoon was shot in the head by friendly fire and was forced to spend the rest of the war in Britain, by this point he had been promoted to Capitan.
Not long after the war ended Sassoon became the Editor and Chief of the Daily Herald (1919), making him an important figure in the community. Siegfried on to do a lecture tour in Europe, Britain, and the US, widening his perspectives. He started to express his homo-sexuality a little more openly, and would have some affairs during his tour with some well-known artistic males. Sometime after 1923 three of his closest friends passed away, seriously affecting any steps he took towards being happy. During his time in America, Sassoon dabbled in writing novels, and in 1928 he anonymously published his first book. This book would go on to win a award for fiction writing. Siegfried wrote several other greatly loved novels during his life time as well. Sassoon, trying to find fulfillment, had many love affairs with males, one who stays his life long friend. Despite Siegfried's homo-sexuality, in 1933 he married Hester Gatty. They would go on to have one child together, something Sassoon had long wanted. His son would go on to have great success, becoming a author, linguist, and scientist. Sassoon had a great love for his son, and even with that got a divorce a few years following the second world war. In 1951 Siegfried became the Commander of the Order if the British Empire due to past influences. Near the end of his life Siegfried converted to a Roman Catholicism Faith, and it became a regular routine of his to visit the nuns at his monastery. Around this time he became very interested the supernatural, and even joined a organization dedicated to paranormal investigation and research. A week before Sassoon would turn 81 he died of stomach cancer.                   

Poetry Assignment, Poem, A Soldier's Plea

I'm trapped. 
Help me someone. 
I just want my family. 
Someone take me home. 
Home to Canada. 
I hope they are proud of me. 
All I ever wanted was to make my country proud. 
My parents proud. 
They're almost here.  
God be kind. 
Make this quick and painless. 
Make sure my children grow up strong. 
Take are of them all. 
Help my wife forgive me. 
God help us all. 

Poetry Assignment, Concrete Poem, War Service

We serve to save our young from this hell on earth that we call war.      
We serve to bring great amounts of honor, respect, and pride to our families.
We serve for our country and the physically unable who cannot fight back. 
When we die we do the opposite of all the things we want to achieve. 
When we die we feel remorse, guilt, fear, and torture,
knowing we will never be coming home to our deserving families

Monday 7 November 2011

Poetry Assignment, Child's Poem, Letters to Dad

Why haven't you come home?
Mommy's sad and won't stop crying.
I keep asking her when you will be back,
she tells me soon but where are you?
You've been gone for a year,
and still you we get no letters.
Lucy prays for you every night,
she says that God will bring you back to us.
I hope Lucy's right.
It's my birthday today Daddy,
Mommy made me a cake.
I wished for you Daddy.
Someone's at the door,
he's dressed like you.
Maybe he knows where you are.

Poetry Assignment, Poetry Anaylsis, To His Dead Body by Siegfried Sassoon

To His Dead Body

When roaring gloom surged inward and you cried,
Groping for friendly hands, and clutched, and died,
Like racing smoke, swift from your lolling head
phantoms of thought and memory thinned and fled.

Yet, though my dreams that throng the darkened stair
Can bring me no report of how you fare,
Safe quit of wars, I speed you on your way
Up lonely, glimmering fields to find new day,
Slow-rising, saintless, confident and kind—
Dear, red-faced father God who lit your mind.

By Siegfried Sassoon


Power Words:

Roaring Gloom: This is evocative language to describe the feeling and trauma of when a friend gets shot right beside you. It's surface meaning is the feeling of overwhelming sadness of when an individual gets killed by a gunshot, but also has a deeper meaning of something the writer has experienced and the trauma he went through to have his friend get shot and killed when serving in battle with him. This is an example of imagery. 

Racing Smoke: This two words are referring to a allusion, it is also an example of a simile. The writer is trying to get you to be able to play like a scene in your head his death and the way the life raced out of him. 

Phantoms: This is a such a good power word because it a word that has a large loaded meaning to every individual. For instance, to me when I hear the word phantom I imagine almost a Christmas Carol type ghost that is has a pale, clear look to them and is a very sad, depressed soul. Many may have ghost related experiences, dead relatives, or dead friends that will help load this word more, many may even just feel that they do not exist, others that phantoms or ghosts are 100 percent real. The word when it pertains to this poem is a association and it helps create a quick image in many people's minds when they read this. In the line the writer is trying to give you a empty, baron kind of feeling.         

Friendly Hands: This is another loaded word, these words could be a reference to a relative or someone close that passed away, it could be a reference to a near death experience or it could just be evocative language used to create a good image in the readers mind. It is my belief that in this line it is evocative language to conjure up a personal memory or experience to help bring more meaning to poem. This is another example of imagery.         

New Day: This is evocative word choice to try to get you to think of a happy, new day that was very inspirational or important to the reader. The writer wants you to associate this word with a good feeling, or associate this with a religious view the reader may have.   

1. The archetype is a grieving or guilty friend. The poem suggests that- is more a grieving friend then a guilty one. 
2. Siegfried had dozens of friends that have died in action either well serving in the same unit has him or just serving in the war. He also had a brother named Hamo that died in service during the Gallipoli Campaign, he took his brother's death very hard and this is what the poem could be referring to. Either his brother or one of his multiple friends and the grief he went through when they passed.  

3.   "Groping for friendly hands, and clutched, and died"- this tells us that he knew the individual that was shot and is now dying, it is  also possible that he was present during the events.   

  "Safe quit of wars, I speed you on your way"- this tells the readers that he cared about the person who passed away and he wants them to have a quick and safe travel to heaven, the after life, etc.     

Title: The title in this case is not a necessity, it is a poem that you would be able to fully understand if you did not look at the title. "To His Dead Body" suggests that it will be about a personal experience the writer went through, and was a very meaningful or traumatic memory for him. The title is a complete summary of the poem, it suggests to the reader that it will be like a letter or a goodbye to someone close to the writer who passed away. 

Thursday 3 November 2011

Macbeth Soliloquy Translation, Act Five Scene Five

She should have died hereafter;
There would have been a time for such a word. 
To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time, 
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools 
The way to the dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon stage
And then is heard no more: it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.  

She would have died here afterwards anyway, 
the news was going to come someday.
Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, 
each day coming at a slow pace after the next, 
to the last moments of time. 
Every passing day have brought fools 
that much closer to their deaths. Out, out, brief candle!
Life is nothing but a shadow. A poor actor
that struts and worries about his hour on stage, 
just to be forgotten. It is a story
told by a idiot, full of noise and emotional stress,
that means nothing.