Wednesday 7 September 2011

A Song of Fire and Ice

This series is called "A Song of Fire and Ice", written by George R. R Martin. I am currently reading the third book in this series, " A Storm of Swords", and am pleased to say I absolutely love these books. My favorite aspect about these novels is the time period it is set in and the author's writing style. He leaves no detail out, so that you can pretty well see every setting in the vast realm he has created in his writing. The characters he has created are so diverse, that it makes it easy to relate to almost any character. The reason I love the setting so much is because even as a child i loved medieval based novels, so when i discovered this series I fall in love. Defiantly worth checking out, and even if you don't like reading HBO has recently made this a television series. The show has the exact same storyline and scenes as the books does, so you won't be missing out. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I also love those books. LOVE them.

    A little more deeper thinking and detail would improve.

    Level 3+
