Monday 12 September 2011


I absolutely love this film, it is defiantly a cinematic master piece. It combined so many great aspects that it's hard to try to pick apart  any scene in this movie. This motion picture is so great because it tells a rich piece of history in such a good way. This film brought the legend and story of William Wallace to life, and it showed you just how much this man believed in his right to be free. He fought long and hard for his country showing Scottish nobles that they are entitled to so much more then England's table scraps. No matter what the odds he believed so largely in himself, Scotland and freedom that he never gave up. Kinda ironic considering the same man he fought so hard for, brought him to his death in the end. Not only was he betrayed by the greedy nobles, but by Scotland's leader as well. In the end it took this Leader much more then should have been necessary to see that William was doing what he should have so long ago.

This production showed many individuals, including myself, how strong and brave Scottish folks really are. My family background on both sides are half Scottish so watching this film made me realize how Scottish citizens really did survive hard times, and persevered through all of England's antics. Like many civilizations it  had to go through these hard times to become what it is today, but this event in history was really a defining moment in Scotland's roots.

Here is a clip to check out of one of my favorite scene. Enjoy!

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